Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring time is Sculpture moving time. Venues are making ready for their summer seasons. Moving heavy art is not for the feint of heart however. The Impacted Female got a new location this week, and during the installation at the Historical Museum in Tecumseh, MI we had a minor incident that brings a pause.  A truck lurched forward just as the sculpture cradle crested the ramp and it came down in a hurry. Fortunately it was lined up well and no one was hurt and no damage.The mind races for a bit at a time like this and then idols for a long time afterwards on the "could haves" and the dangers of what we are doing. this one went OK but their have been a few that cost me rework.   What if someone got injured? Yikes! Steady boys, don't be nervous, just stead boys.  The mind will idol on that 1/2 second every time I unload now, as it did for the rest of that day and on into the next.
Be careful out there.