Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cool Daddio- from the OverHeads series

Are we cool enough? Are we under control, suave and debonair? Do we rank with the “in” crowd far above the losers? Man, it is in our style, our dress, our talk, our crowd. This awareness comes in puberty and in many, just takes over everything. Some of us never grow out of it’s domination. We must be cool. And the act of pointing out the low status of another is like counting coo. It stimulates us and we believe we have achieved through these petty comments. The concern about cool is probably the greatest distraction from a spiritual relationship ever conceived. It is elusive, fleeting, and indefinable, making it only achievable by those who truly believe they have it, confirmed by those around them aspiring to be there themselves.

Cool can be a perfect mockery to the condition of righteousness, and a tremendous impediment to the ability to get close to a God who knows better of you and your state. The grand illusion of being cool deceives so many. Just look at the celebrity worship that the entertainment, and fashion industries receive. Yes we can be so cool, but what is in our worship? Can we be cool before God? Fat chance, and if we are focused on cool, then God is not in our consciousness. When we are cool our heart is cool, and warmth of heart is required to come to the presence of God. Ever loose your cool to get before God? But that brings another topic:

What’s in your worship? Dude

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