Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Installing Public Art

The art of installing art in public is a challenge. There are all the potential dangers of abuse, vandalism, injury and of course accompanying law suits. I was recently invited to show works in the City of Troy Ohio. Some truly unabashed American doers in that town with a down to earth, get it done attitude. My trip to Troy, Ohio to put three pieces on their streets was refreshing. I left in the we hours of Saturday morning and arrived before ten. T-The city crew and I labored to mount my works on big concrete blocks and slabs that they had prepared. Then we transported these to the city square where other works were waiting for an evening reception. The Mayor spoke, and recognition was paid and a good time was had by all. But then came the surprise activity that I was amazed at.
Their plan was to distribute the 30 pieces around town on Saturday Night so they would all be ready for viewing Sunday morning for the church goers. The town has a round about at the center with a fountain and lots of traffic going through the intersection. The crew started at dark picking up each sculpture with a HiLow and cruising through the Saturday night traffic to the installation locations! A great big Bug bouncing down the road with headlights flashing all around is a thing to behold! And riding a HiLow to do this is even better!

The guys did a great job and by morning all the works were out there, with the stanchion chains, in front of many businesses.
Hats off to the City of Troy- an Supporters of sculpture and get it done people!

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