Friday, October 9, 2009

The Dark side – Art and Auto Decline

Each night as evening fell I would turn on my lights and prepare for the evening crowd. Flicker has sported some beautiful picts of the flying bugs at dusk and the car splashed in lamplight and back lit with the fantastic projection show going on behind me on the four story building. The white forms loom beautifully from the darkness. One evening I was explaining the Car Chase and the phrase “BugSwarm from off shore” perked the interest of a former Buick builder from Lansing. “You must hate foreign cars as much as I do” he spouted. “Hate for competition doesn’t help you. If they are better, you need to step up.” I responded. “We built great cars at Buick” he blustered. Not noticing his rage building, I blundered into his sore spot. “They’re out dated styling only appeals to old people.”I noted. He took off on a rant about how great General Motors was and how people don’t get it. My tongue was sharpened now and the thrust lunge at the heart was too easy. “Yea, but your bankrupt.” I might as well have called his mother a whore. “F--- You” He threw down his hands and walked a fast circle, and paused eight feet away, lurching back in my direction, “JUST * # F– YOU” and stormed off.

I spent the rest of the evening in remorse for having goaded him and wondering if he would be back with a hammer. I forget that some folks cannot be philosophical about what is happening in Michigan and are very tender about their beloved industrial institutions; the big three. I thought to myself :“This is why many here refer to east Michigan as the Dark side” It Rained about midnight and we shut down.

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