Thursday, October 1, 2009

Final Round

Yesterday was a beautiful cool sunny fall day and the traffic at the BOB was steady. Fans came dragging their friends to see my piece. Many were trying to see the whole show before issuing their votes. We had 1000 cards printed initially and then put the number on the back with a sticker, they were gone in the first 2 days. I estimate we had printed another 2000 little slips with the shot of the piece and the number to make it easy for them to vote. People shot pics like paparatzi. Friends in clumps, families, kids with the artist, you name it. This piece is now all over facebook. "Hey, worth a pic it's worth a vote!" I'd quip handing them a slip. On the third day I called home and said "Print more and get them down here, I'll be out by 3". Some were chopped funny and I stuffed these in a different pocket, trying to only issue the best ones. My printer is now blinking error notes and needs a hundred bucks worth of cyan powder. By last night at 9:30 I had handed out every slip of paper I had,(even the funny ones) and was down to left over stickers with only the number on it. They went on peoples jackets, coffee cups, and other artists cards. About 50 voters took them.

My videographer came by and we got some fantastic night time footage. I rolled home at 1AM thrilled with the news that I was in the top 25.

Today it is a press barrage. We set up interviews with radio and news papers and a photo session with the piece. As it happens a news team had come by documenting childrens' reactions to the show while I was fixing the bugs. They did an up close personal interview and it was apparently used on TV. Link

The announcement is tonight in GR and we are all going. What big fun to compete and try to show the public my work.
Thanks for dropping by! Vote Car Chase. "Oh Yea, sure, it's made of foam with my own formula of polymer modified concrete .... bla bla Bla...."

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